When you fall out with someone it can be difficult to see how to make things better. Should you ignore the problem or person? Should you be honest and tell them what you think? Should you go to Court to try and force them to see your point of view? There are no easy or definitive answers to all or any of these, because every situation is different, as is every individual. In fact, probably the only thing conflicts have in common is they’re certain to give you sleepless nights.
Talking Always Helps
Talking with a trained professional can help clarify a problem, keep it in the right perspective and allow you to focus on solutions or improvements. Avoiding or confronting the other person may bring you short term relief, but rarely brings lasting peace.
At the heart of every conflict are individuals who feel they aren’t being heard and that the other person simply doesn’t care enough to deal with this. As a Mediator and Conflict Coach I can help you explore what you need and why, so you can find a solution that works. Taking a step back from conflict allows time to focus and reflect, and very often resolutions can be found that meet the needs of everyone.
I offer a range of services within a safe, confidential space in which you can talk and be listened to, with no judgment, analysis, or pressure. Under these circumstances, it becomes infinitely easier to see what further information, skills, and advice will help.
if you’re facing conflict within the family, in the workplace or with a neighbour, tenant or landlord, all you need do is pick up the phone, tell me a little about the problem and I can tell you what I can offer or direct you to other appropriate sources with no further obligation on your part.
My services include Mediation if everyone is willing and able to talk. But that isn’t the only way to approach or solve a problem. You can choose to book a MIAM Mediation Information Assessment Meeting with me or arrange to talk about my other services.
Time to Talk Conflict Coaching is a good place to start if you want time and space to discuss your thoughts and ideas, or even whether you want or need to continue with a dispute or personality clash.
There are a range of options as well as Resources which extend beyond my services. By discussing options when we meet, you can decide which course of action might best meet your immediate and specific needs.
Please, make yourself at home on here, browse the site to see which first steps might suit you best. But do remember you clicked on this page because you know you need to do something, and the best way forward is always to begin. Contact me now, an initial telephone conversation won’t cost you anything, and you have nothing to lose but your uncertainty!